If you are the individual with your organization that is responsible for reviewing and signing IRS Form 5500, you are required by government regulations to obtain and file utilizing your EFAST credentials. If you have been responsible in the past for filing IRS Form 5500, you should already have EFAST credentials. Read on for instructions on retrieving missing EFAST credentials.
Next Steps:
- Proceed to or call 1-866-463-3278 (1-866-GO EFAST).
- I don’t remember my User ID. How can I retrieve it?
- From the EFAST2 Web site select “Login” on the Welcome screen.
- Select "Forgot User ID" and enter the email address that you provided during your initial registration. You will need to provide the answer to your challenge question to view your User ID.
- If you have not fully completed the registration process, in the past, you will see an option to “Complete Registration” after answering your challenge question.
- I don’t remember my Password. How can I retrieve it?
- If you have forgotten your password, or if your password is locked, from the EFAST2 Web site select “Login” on the Welcome screen, then select "Forgot Password" on the Login page.
- To use the “Forgot Password” option, you must enter a valid User ID or registered email address. You will also be prompted to enter the answer to your challenge question. If done successfully, you will be allowed to create a new password.
- I don’t remember my PIN. How can I retrieve it?
- After successfully logging in to the EFAST2 Web site (, you may view your EFAST2 PIN and other registration information by selecting "User Profile.” The User Profile page will display your credentials and provide options to “Change Profile,” “Change Password,” and “Change PIN.”
- My account has been locked. What should I do?
- To reset your locked password, from the EFAST2 Web site select “Login” on the Welcome screen, then select "Forgot Password." You will be prompted to enter either your User ID or your email address. Once you enter either your User ID or email address, you will then be prompted to answer your challenge question.
- Please be aware that the answer to the “place of birth” challenge question is case-sensitive. You will have three attempts to provide your challenge answer correctly before your password is permanently locked. If that occurs, you will need to call the EFAST2 Help Desk at 866-GO EFAST (866- 463-3278) or register again.
- How can I update my email address or other contact information after I’ve registered?
- After successfully logging into the EFAST2 Web site, click on the “Profile” link in the navigation bar and you will be able to change any of your contact information, including email address.
- I completed the registration online but did not receive an email to complete my registration. What should I do?
- Once you complete the online registration, the system sends an email to your registered email address within 5 minutes. If you did not receive the email in your inbox, it may have been blocked as spam or junk mail. Check your “spam” or “junk” email folders to see if you have received the email. If you’ve checked your “spam” or “junk” email folders and the email has not been received, call 1-866- 463-3278 (1-866-GO EFAST).
- Some e-mail providers require that you add an e-mail address to your address book before you can receive any e-mail from that address. To ensure that our messages can be delivered to your inbox, enter the DOL originating e-mail address, and the reply to e-mail address, into your address book.
- Upon receipt of your UserID, PIN and password from the DOL, you may call or email and provide us with the UserID only. Do not provide us with the PIN, as you are to keep that confidential.
- Maintain the UserID, PIN and password in a secure location. This information is needed to sign your form 5500 electronically.
- You will need the UserID, PIN and password when LRS completes your Form 5500.

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Article ID: 18, Created: 4/16/2021 at 1:00 PM, Modified: 8/18/2021 at 11:50 AM